Read Before You Start This Module

This module helps you create an SEO content strategy, which will help you:

  • rank better and faster,
  • avoid decision fatigue on what to write next since you will already know what to write,
  • gain a competitive edge and
  • keep you on track.

If you have questions on this module:

If you haven't already yet, please join our Facebook group. Write a post and hashtag it with #module2 so it's easy for people to refer back to!

Something to note:

This is a strategy heavy module. It's best if we can all share our insight and learn together. It's ok if you're not an expert. I am not an expert of your blog. Only you know your blog best.

So please help each other out the best you can when you see someone's question.

Take your time!

Actions 2E and 2F are the basis of your SEO content strategy. Take your time with this.

It may take you a couple of hours or more to do these two activities!

Complete and Continue